Clients, partners and friends of Brigitte Ott-Göbel met on January 25th in Schönbergstraße 30 in Kemnat, to celebrate the unveiling of the glass sculpture. Together, the artist Karsten Wittke from Baruth/Mark Brandenburg and Brigitte Ott-Göbel unveiled the colourful sculpture, henceforth decorating the foyer of the office building. Just about noon, the sun let fall the coloured shadow on the white wall behind. To put the finishing touch to the event, Ursula Ott, Brigitte Ott-Göbels sister, read from her recently published book “Total besteuert – wie ich einmal ganz alleine den Staatshaushalt retten sollte” (Totally taxed/mad – how I should once rescue alone the national budget).
Unveiling of the sculpture at Ott-Goebel Consulting